Towards the very end of his excellent book, Animals and the Moral Community: Mental Life, Moral Status, and Kinship, Gary Steiner says this
- What is absolutely clear is that cosmic justice demands universal veganism, the refusal to consume animal products of any kind. The more inured we are to anthropocentric values, the more unreasonable, burdensome, and impractical this proposal will seem. The better we understand the nature of animal experience and recognise the ways in which it is like our own, the more we will appreciate the sense in which we truncate the notion of justice by restricting it to the human sphere. To affirm cosmic justice is to abandon our fantasy of being “the masters and possessors of nature” (2008: 163).
Steiner develops these thoughts a little and says more about his notion of the “vegan imperative” in the audio clip to follow. Steiner’s contribution to the “veganism is easy” debate is reasoned and fair.
The audio clip is taken from this video, which is well worth watching.