I believe that historians of the animal advocacy movement are likely to see the advent of Go Vegan World as a very important game changer. The reason is that Sandra Higgins' campaign is rights-based - and also uncompromising in its focus on no-nonsense veganism.
Indeed, the consistency of this campaign has shown the lie about the claim that veganism is a scare word - and has also "firmed up" the vegan-based claims-making of other groups, especially some in England. They appear to have abandoned the weak "veggie," and "veg" slogans that were once popular as they saw that a consistent vegan message could be popular.
Sandra also explains to presenters Ruth and Marcus how the individual residents of her Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary are central voices in the Go Vegan World campaign.
I like the Go Vegan World approach because it's dedicated to simply telling the truth about the oppression in other animal use. It also stays faithful to the vision of the vegan movement pioneers in the 1940s who saw veganism as part of the peace movement, a justice issue, and integral to the moral evolution of humanity.
Sandra's contribution to the podcast starts at about 10 minutes in.